The study tour was a fantastic program full of cultural and fun experiences in both Vietnam and Singapore. Before the trip both of these places had been on my travel list, so when the opportunity for this trip came up I couldn’t say no and I’m so glad that I did it. The buddies, the people I traveled with and the organizers made the trip even better. Industries in both countries were super helpful and our visits to these factories were one of the highlights. Networking with these companies, the food, cultural exposure, the people, and the organizers made it a beautiful way to study our university course!! The most unfamiliar food that I tried was definitely chicken feet! Sugar cane drinks were also unusual but they tasted awesome! Thank you!!!!
Featured student’s review
The study tour was a fantastic program full of cultural and fun experiences in both Vietnam and Singapore. Before the trip both of these places had been on my travel list, so when the opportunity for this trip came up I couldn’t say no and I’m so glad that I did it. The buddies, the people I traveled with and the organizers made the trip even better. Industries in both countries were super helpful and our visits to these factories were one of the highlights. Networking with these companies, the food, cultural exposure, the people, and the organizers made it a beautiful way to study our university course!! The most unfamiliar food that I tried was definitely chicken feet! Sugar cane drinks were also unusual but they tasted awesome! Thank you!!!!

- program rating