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Environment Internship
Polytech Montpellier, France
Rating: 4 out of 5

Great internship in Vietnam! I recommend Westerners to go there at least one time to see things differently. ABROADER is very helpful (even if there is only women here haha) and found me a very decent internship. Time flies very fast, so you know what to do if you like the heat and cheap beers. À bientôt Vietnam!

Featured student’s review

Great internship in Vietnam! I recommend Westerners to go there at least one time to see things differently. ABROADER is very helpful (even if there is only women here haha) and found me a very decent internship. Time flies very fast, so you know what to do if you like the heat and cheap beers. À bientôt Vietnam!

4 out of 5


Polytech Montpellier, France
Environment Internship