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Business Intern @Phenikaa Maas
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
– 2022

I received a lot of training and support. My supervisor and coworkers have been very helpful with everything from office-related issues to questions regarding living in Ho Chi Minh City.
Thank you so much. The local buddies have been the backbone of our experience here in Vietnam, and they have made the past 2 months here so much more enjoyable. I would not have had such an amazing time outside of the office if not for the local buddies, who are always engaging, energetic, and helpful.

Featured student’s review

I received a lot of training and support. My supervisor and coworkers have been very helpful with everything from office-related issues to questions regarding living in Ho Chi Minh City.
Thank you so much. The local buddies have been the backbone of our experience here in Vietnam, and they have made the past 2 months here so much more enjoyable. I would not have had such an amazing time outside of the office if not for the local buddies, who are always engaging, energetic, and helpful.

4.8 out of 5
– 2022


University of Pennsylvania, USA
Business Intern @Phenikaa Maas